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Upcoming Workforce Development Grant Opportunities Webinar
by ESD
As part of Governor Hochul’s $350 million investment in workforce development in the enacted FY2023 budget, the Office of Strategic Workforce Development (OSWD) was created within ESD to administer a $150 million workforce development grant program to support employer-driven, high-skilled workforce training programs. Through OSWD, ESD will help create new economic opportunities for unemployed, underemployed and underrepresented workers, while simultaneously meeting the labor needs of the state’s highest-growth industry sectors.
Join us on Tuesday, February 14 to learn more about these funding opportunities and how they can be used to develop and grow workforce development programs in your region.Workforce Funding Opportunities Through OSWD
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Registration: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dmwrsEoZSP-dMc1Els2Rdg
Also, more information on the Office of Strategic Workforce Development: Office of Strategic Workforce Development | Empire State Development (ny.gov)